Blue Noise through Optimal Transport |
Fernando de Goes |
Katherine Breeden |
Victor Ostromoukhov |
Mathieu Desbrun |
Caltech | Stanford | Lyon 1 U./CNRS-LIRIS | Caltech |
Here you can find 10 point sets generated for
a constant density function in a periodic domain, and various
illustrations based on spatial and spectral analyses to evaluate
our results. We also provide the initial point sets used as
input to our algorithm. Click on the images to see enlarged
Input 1 [EPS, DAT] | Result 1 [EPS, DAT] | Input 2 [EPS, DAT] | Result 2 [EPS, DAT] |
Input 3 [EPS, DAT] | Result 3 [EPS, DAT] | Input 4 [EPS, DAT] | Result 4 [EPS, DAT] |
Input 5 [EPS, DAT] | Result 6 [EPS, DAT] | Input 6 [ EPS, DAT] | Result 6 [EPS, DAT] |
Input 7 [EPS, DAT] | Result 7 [EPS, DAT] | Input 8 [EPS, DAT] | Result 8 [EPS, DAT] |
Input 9 [EPS, DAT] | Result 9 [EPS, DAT] | Input 10 [EPS, DAT] | Result 10 [EPS, DAT] |