Howto encode without visual debugging:
1. Open a vrml file (drag&drop)
2. Select rendering mode (left panel)
3. Select a viewpoint
    left button: x-y translation
    right: z translation
    both: rotation
4. Press Ctrl+Z, an option dialog box is displayed
5. Press Run
6. The bit-rate and speed are given in the status bar

Howto encode with visual debugging:
1. Repeat operations 1-4 described above
2. Cut off the light
3. Check Debug, and an appropriate value for "Update each", typ. 1/10th of the vertex count (menu Geometry/Properties)
4. Press Run, the conquest can is visible
5. The bit-rate and speed are given in the status bar

Useful options:


Encoding of the genus-2 feline, and displaying of the code distribution.

Conquest of the body mesh. The active list is colored in light green.

Conquest of the body mesh, in wireframe mode. The (oriented) active list is colored in light green. The current pivot is colored in red. The conquered area is colored in light blue, and the free area is colored in light grey.The conquest can be stopped using the "limit conquest" option.